
Students at Brookman Primary School participate in a daily block of literacy activities encompassing all aspects of literacy, language and literature as outlined on the SCSA website. 

As literacy is fundamental to learning across the curriculum, activities are integrated meaningfully by teachers who employ the Gradual Release Model of Responsibility to scaffold the process of learning to read/write independently. Teachers model, share and guide students during Literacy block lessons.

Students in the Early Years begin their literacy education with a focus on the development of oral language skills. They learn vocabulary development, phonological awareness and semantics through explicit small group teaching and regular practice through games and role play.

The school has implemented Guided Reading across all year levels, allowing all students to benefit from small group instruction tailored to meet their stage of development. Students are encouraged to enjoy reading every night with a Nights of Home Reading program, rewarding students with certificates for their 100 and 200 nights of reading endeavour.