About the P & C

 We are indeed fortunate to have the support of a dynamic and innovative Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) who work tirelessly in partnership with the school to provide that ‘little bit extra’ for our students. All members offer their services on a volunteer basis and are led by a strong executive who ensures that the relationship between student-teacher-parent is fostered in order to provide the support needed for our students. 
The P&C meets on Wednesdays twice a term at 8.45am. Times and dates are published in the term planner.

If you have a fundraising idea for our committee or just want to contribute and learn more then please feel free to contact us. Email to  pncbrookmanps@gmail.com

Parent Room

A parent committee maintains the Parent Room, access from the Junior undercover area. This is available as a meeting place for parents and for organised activities. You are invited to make full use of this facility.